Sunday, June 23, 2024

18-20 June 2024 Sauder Heritage Village

 David spent most of all three days we were in the Sauder Heritage Village working. We both caught up on chores. The weather was very warm (we were under extreme heat warnings the entire time) with the heat indices near 100F. We did visit the Sauder Furniture store to see if they had anything we might like for our future home. We ate one night at the Barn Restaurant on site. David ran up to the bakery for fresh donuts one morning. We walked Keira around the lake each day. On our last night around 5PM, the power went out in the entire RV park from all the RVs and the hotel running the air conditioners on full. Luckily, some clouds moved in and kept the temperatures down until they got the electric repaired around 11:30PM that night. It took until 2 in the morning for the air conditioners to catch up and cool the Wanderer down. 

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