Sunday, August 25, 2024

25 August 2024 Keira and the deer

 David took Keira out for her morning walk in the empty storage area of the RV park. The RV park butts up against Rocky Mountain NP on two sides. It is not unusual to see deer and elk in the park. While Keira was busy sniffing a ground mole hole, a deer walked out of the brush from behind us and walked past her and stopped about 15 feet away and stared at us. Keira did not notice the deer until it walked past her. She did not know what to do! She stood there and stared back at the deer and then let out a whine. The deer just walked away. Keira did not try to chase it or follow it. We think that was probably the first time she had ever seen a deer. Being right next to the park, the deer and elk have no fear of mankind and apparently not our dogs either. 

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