We had a wonderful visit with family and friends. We spent lots of time with Veronica, and got her out to dinner as often as we could. We noticed her walker was broken (the rear wheel was off the axile and rubbing against the brake) and worked with her to pick out a new one for her birthday (It got delivered the day before we left). Leslie even got her a Yellow Duck bell to adorn it! We took her down to Bergholz to visit Aunt Joyce one day. We had fun visiting Aunt Joyce in Bergholz. The old apple tree behind the house is looking great for being 100 years or more years old. Sometimes we think that as that tree goes, so does our family. On another day, we took her down to visit her sister Katy. To top off our visit, we hosted her 87th birthday at one of her favorite restaurants, the Twisted Olive with her family (Katy, Cheryl, Bob and Darlene). We were able to visit with Cousin Amy before she had to head out of town to help a friend. We also drove up to Streetsboro to visit with our friends Mary Ann and Bill at their campsite. David got several maintenance items done on the Wander and Behemoth and Leslie got a lot of cleaning done inside, as we travel, so does the dust! All in all, a great visit.
The family apple tree |
Aunt Joyce hiding from the camera |
Veronica with her new walker |
Her rubber ducky bell |
Veronica's Birthday Party |
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