3 June 2019 Red Fleet Kayaking
We awoke to another beautiful day. We decided that it was about time we got the kayaks out of the garage and got them wet. We talked to the locals and Red Fleet State Park seemed the best bet for a relaxing kayaking tour. The Green River is flowing really fast with the spring runoff and since we only have one vehicle, it was not practical to do a one way float and too hard to paddle against the current. So we pulled them out of the garage along with our paddles and floatation devices and loaded them up on the Behemoth (our new name for the truck). Our kayaks had been in the garage for almost a year. Seems there was always something that kept us from getting them out (time, weather, muddy water, high winds). Red Fleet State Park is ten miles north of Vernal on US191. When we pulled up to the gate, we got a grilling on where the kayaks had last been in the water and if we had cleaned them. This is due to the spreading Zebra Mussels problem. After getting past the gate, we drove down to the boat launch and put our kayaks in the water. Last time we had been kayaking was in Minnesota where we used the RV parks kayaks. So it was great to finally get back on the water. There were several teenage boys across the lake jumping in from a rock overhang. Lots of front and back flips. They were having such fun, their laughter invited us to paddle over and see they had a pretty good spot to jump off the ledge into the water. Under that ledge looked to be a nice alcove. Not as deep as a cave, but would have provided a great picnic area for a kayak or boat. We spent three hours tooling around Red Fleet Reservoir. The sides of the lake are steep sandstone rock with a lot of color and texture. There was very little wind and not much boat traffic. The water temperature was 55 degrees, so you really did not want to fall in! But the cool water offset the hot sun making it a beautiful day for kayaking. By the end of three hours, our arms and shoulders were sore, but our hearts were happy! Once we got back to the Wanderer and cleaned our kayaks, we put them back in the garage with a vow to not take so long to get them out again.
Kayaking Red Fleet |
Red Fleet Reservoir
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