We choose this location due to its proximity to Peoria, Il, home to David’s college alma mater, Bradley University. After brunch at the Carlock Family Restaurant, we drove to Bradley University. David showed Leslie the two dorms he lived in while he was a student there. Sisson Hall is no longer a dorm but Geisert Hall is still housing students. The Engineering building, Jobst Hall, where he spent the majority of his class time was torn down and replaced by a new combined Business and Engineering mega-building a few years ago. We walked into the new building and were impressed by the new technology. It even had an LED stock ticker running through the lobby. We then wandered around the campus. It did not feel as large to David now as it did back then. We ended up in the student book store where David picked up some new Bradley University shirts. A lot has changed since his last visit to the university in 1982. All the professors he had back then have retired or passed. Good memories, but also a little unsettling to see how much has changed.
Geisert Hall |
Sisson Hall |
Bradley Hall |
Westlake Hall |
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