With our three month trip to the South Pacific suddenly looming large in our minds, we spent most of January getting prepared for the trip. David spent a week in Fort Worth working long days with his industry counterparts to get a study and some documentation on a path to completion along with several hours each week. Leslie spent 3 days visiting with her Mom and Friends in Dallas. Otherwise, we have been planning wardrobes, making lists of items to bring, digging items out of deep storage, and making plans for putting the Wanderer and Behemoth into safe storage. We’re a little nervous being so far away for so long given the health state of some of our friends and family. Also about driving on the left side of the road for 7 weeks. But were also excited to get the opportunity to explore new countries and cultures. We have also started laying out or itinerary for this summer and making key reservations in the most popular places during the key periods (holidays, summer break, etc.). We can work on the reservations in between while on our trip. When we have spare time, we also are investigating land purchase opportunities. We will need to get serious about that when we get back. The last week we were in town, we had monsoon rains for three days. The rain was coming down so hard, it could not drain off the roof fast enough and we discovered the leak around the new air conditioner that we though we had fixed was back with a vengeance. With the rain coming down so hard and continuously, the only thing we could do was place bowl and pots under the drips. When we finally got a break in the rain and the roof had a chance to dry out (its very slippery when wet), David got up on the roof to investigate. He pulled the new air conditioner off its mount and did a thorough inspection and cleaning, then put a large bead of silicon around the hole in the roof the air conditioner sits on and then placed the air conditioner gasket onto the silicon and wiggled it down. It is now sealed for life! We feel sorry for whoever has to change that air conditioner in the future! We also notice a small leak in the back over the couch and the source of that was easy to see. The lap sealant where they had mounted the brackets for the solar panels had lifter up. So, David pulled it off, cleaned it up and then covered it in a nice layer of Flex Seal. Then for good measure, went around and slathered Flex Seal around everything that protruded through the roof and around the ladder mounts. The next day the heavy rains came back and there were no more leaks. We pushed as much water out of the ceiling cover as we could and put everything back to together and ran the air conditioners to dry it all out. Oh, the joys of trailer ownership!
Diana and Donny |
Mount for the air conditioner |
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