Folks started arriving for the wedding on the second. It was a fairly busy four days. On the second we caught up with David’s Cousins (Amy, Beth and Beth’s Husband John) when they arrived as well as the bride and groom. We had a great time visiting with the family we had not seen since Christmas. We all went out to the Lakeside Restaurant (Which is where the reception was held as well) for a sunset dinner. Deborah’s, the bride, mother had arrived during the day and joined us for dinner. The food was good and the fellowship better.
The next day, Leslie and I went into Alexandria to ship off the failed RV control display back to New Horizons and to do some shopping. After we got back, we met up with the cousins for a BBQ followed by sitting around a fire by the lake and enjoying the company and the views. The big debate was which fire building technique worked better, the cabin or the tepee? Each hadd its proponents. With enough accelerant, it doesn’t seem to really matter! Leslie and I got eaten alive by mosquitoes while sitting around the fire. Couldn’t even feel the buggers but they chewed our legs up. Leslie had a mild allergic reaction to the bites which took a couple days to subside.
The fourth was more family events followed by a sunset cruise and dinner on the lake. We all had a fun time and there were lots of jokes going around. Once again, we went back to the resort for a lakeside fire. This time Leslie and I had long pants on and sprayed ourselves down with DEET to keep the friggen mosquitoes at bay.
Sunday the fifth, day of the wedding. The Lutheran Church is 45 minutes away and tucked away in a beautiful grove of trees, but it is in the middle of nowhere. So if you don’t know where you are going, its very difficult to find, even with GPS. So, Jeff and Deborah had arranged a big tour bus to take folks from Glenwood to the Church. We had a leisurely morning since the bus to the church was not until 1PM. The church was built in 1883. Deborah’s Great-Great Grandfather was a founding member of the church. The church has no running water, bathrooms, or electricity. Its is currently only used by the congregation for special occasions, Christmas, and a few times during the spring and fall. Otherwise, they meet in the new Church in town.

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