Today, Leslie and I left on our first RV adventure. We are going to Odessa, TX where Leslie is showing her Boot Bangles in her first show, the Junior League of Odessa Merry Market Place. Then on to Guadalupe Mountains National park. We rented a 30-foot trailer with one slide out from United RV in Fort Worth.
The trailer probably weighted in at 6800 lbs, near the maximum the F-150 is rated for. We only got between 5.5 and 6 MPG between the climb to Odessa, the wind and the weight. I was a little worried about getting up Ranger Hill and Union Hill on I-20 but we made it up both without too much fuss. One big hill left on the trip when we get to Guadalupe Mountains.
3-7 November 2011
We are here for the Merry Market Place Show with Leslie’s Boot Bracelets. We worked the booth each day through 7 November. It was a lot of work but we learned a lot and did well with sales.
8 November 2011
We drove from Odessa to Guadalupe Mountains National Park today. It took about 5 hours with a stop in Van Horn at Chuy’s for lunch. Truck was really working hard on the climb up to the foothills of the Van Horn Mountains. It seems to do better at 55 instead of 60 based on the drive up from Van Horn. The climb up Guadalupe pass was tough. We dropped down to almost 30MPH before we topped the pass. We got the best RV spot in the park (#25) after filling up with water from the park water source. When we got here there were not many folks around but 6 more rigs came in just before dark.

There seems to be an issue with the battery charging on the trailer. After setting up the stabilizers and running the slide out outboard, I ran the generator for an hour and it barely put a charge on the battery. The battery voltage level was so low that when the furnace kicked off, it pulled the whole system down. I put the generator back on and am going to run it for a couple of hours before quiet time hits to see if we can get a decent charge on it. Otherwise it is going to be a really cold night since it is going to drop below freezing. Based on the weather report, I think we will do McKitrick Canyon tomorrow and Guadalupe peak on Thursday when it is warmer and the winds die down. We also heard that Devils Hall is pretty spectacular with color as well, maybe Friday.
9 November 2011
Well, the worst happened, the battery drained during the night and the furnace would not run. It got really cold. Good thing for mutual body warmth! In the morning I called the service folks at United RV. After discussing back and forth we decided the battery was bad or low on water. I got up and checked the water in the battery in the cold and five of the six cells did not have sufficient water in them. So I filled them all up with 3 quarts of water. Then ran the generator for an hour after quiet hours lifted and it still was not taking a charge but I could hear it bubbling. Further consultation with United RV and I decided to take the battery to Carlsbad to get it tested. I did not want us to go through another cold night like that again. It was also a chance to get more gas for the generator and to fill up the empty primary propane tank since, with these cold nights, we might need it.
We got into Carlsbad and went to the Carlsbad RV campground where there was an interstate battery dealer. They informed me that it would take 24 hours to charge and test the battery. I wasn’t going to wait, so another call to United RV and we walked out with a new battery. Filled up the gas (propane, truck and generator can) and headed back to Guadalupe’s. A quick check after I installed the new battery confirmed problem fixed. So with half the day gone we decided to do the Devils Hall trail in the afternoon since the trail is relatively short and was suppose to have the best color. The Devils Hall trail was really pretty. Leslie loved it and it was great to finally get out and hike for a while. The colors were definitely at their peak and were stunning. Unfortunately the light of the late day sun was not the best, but who can complain about having a chance to enjoy such a hike! 
10 November 2011
Well, the new battery worked great. Unfortunately the secondary Propane bottle expired about 4 AM and we once again woke to a cold trailer. Sigh!! We guess United RV did not bother to fill the second propane tank any more then they bothered to check the battery before they gave us the trailer. Waited until the quiet hours were over and we started the generator and swapped propane bottles. We waited until the trailer warmed up before we got up. Today we climbed Guadalupe Peak, the highest point in Texas. It was a lot more strenuous than I remember from having done it 5 years ago. Took us over 5 hours to reach the top. The Temps were comfortable, winds very low and weather perfectly sunny. While we were at the top, I asked Leslie to marry me, she said yes!!!!! Leslie is my soul mate and I look forward to spending our lives together for 50 or more years!
The trip down took about 3 hours because we were exhausted but jubilant. We finished in the moonlight! What can I say, we are exhausted from the hike but never happier in our lives! We came back to our trailer and popped a bottle of Champaign I had secreted away before we left for this occasion! Called our parents to tell them the news after we sat in the trailer to gain some energy and they were very happy for us. Poor Koby was ready to burst a bladder by the time we got back but swiftly recovered after a walk. This is the happiest day in my life! Leslie said she has never had to work so hard for a proposal in her life! But the sun was setting as we headed back down and we finished the last couple of miles in the dark. Fortunately the moon was out and we could see the trail easily.
The trip down took about 3 hours because we were exhausted but jubilant. We finished in the moonlight! What can I say, we are exhausted from the hike but never happier in our lives! We came back to our trailer and popped a bottle of Champaign I had secreted away before we left for this occasion! Called our parents to tell them the news after we sat in the trailer to gain some energy and they were very happy for us. Poor Koby was ready to burst a bladder by the time we got back but swiftly recovered after a walk. This is the happiest day in my life! Leslie said she has never had to work so hard for a proposal in her life! But the sun was setting as we headed back down and we finished the last couple of miles in the dark. Fortunately the moon was out and we could see the trail easily.
Leslie and I just before I asked her to Marry Me on Guadalupe Peak!
11 November 2011
The trailer worked perfect last night! We woke to a warm and inviting trailer. Today we hiked McKittrick Canyon trail. The colors were fantastic! We had a great time walking all the way into the Grotto (2.4 miles), having lunch and strolling out. Unfortunately there were no volunteers at Pratt Cabin so Leslie could go in and see it. We went to the evening NPS lecture on the cultures of the Guadalupe’s Mountains. I asked the ranger giving the lecture about Pratt Cabin and she said they no longer have enough personnel or volunteers to man the cabin year round. Such a shame. In the canyon there was virtually no winds and the temperatures were in the low 60s. When we got back to Pine Springs Camp ground the winds were blowing 15-25MPH and the ranger informed us they would be strengthening all night. Tomorrow they will be very high from the west, approaching dangerous levels in the pass. Going to be a rockin and rolling night and drive to Odessa.
The walk in McKittrick was so beautiful; we did not want to leave!
12 November 2011
Well the ranger was right, the winds picked up over night with occasional bursts of 40-50MPH which really rocked that trailer. It woke both of us up several times with a howl and the shuddering of the trailer. But the battery and furnace worked great! We got on the road by 10 am and decided to go up through Carlsbad NM and down US285 to Pecos. Running at 55MPH definitely improved our gas mileage from 5.5-6MPG to 8.5-9MPG. The truck was running better and not working as hard as trying to stay at 60MPH. Of course we stack up traffic occasionally but the traffic was light and did not seem like a problem. The wind beat us up while heading south on 285 but after we got on I-20 East the wind was at our back and helped push us a long.
Tonight we are staying at the Midland RV Park ($27 per night). The transient spaces are just a big gravel patch with paved roads. But it’s level if not a little dusty. But the water is safe, full hook ups with cable TV and free Wi-Fi. Easy to get into but the access road is gravel and could use some repair. The long-term spaces have trees shading them. The only grass is in the playground and the fenced dog park. Not someplace I would stay for very long, but not bad for a quick overnight.
After dinner at La Badaga, we went to Leslie’s family friend and picked up the stuff we stored there while we were in the Guadalupe’s. We head home tomorrow. Winds are predicted to be 15-20 but coming out of the Southwest which will be at our back.
13 November 2011
The trip home from Odessa to Fort Worth was routine. We had the wind to our back most of the way home, along with losing altitude from the higher altitude Permian Basin, we managed 10-11MPG. We stopped off in Thurber Texas at the Smoke Stack Restaurant for a late lunch. Great place to eat on I-20! We left Odessa at 9am and we arrived in Fort Worth about 3:30pm. We got everything off the trailer and turned it in by 5:30pm. We then took a load of the larger items back to Leslie’s apartment. I noticed about 5 miles from the United RV center, as it was getting dark, that the trailer lights were not working. I suspect we blew the tow package fuze in the truck all the way back in Odessa when we ran the slideout out to turn off the furnace after we had disconnected from the RV Park AC power. Else we blew it in Fort Worth when we ran the slideout out to empty it and clean it. I never checked the lights before we pulled out in either case. Lesson learned, always check the trailer lights before getting on the road. After we got back we figured out we left a frying pan in the oven when we cleaned it out, so Leslie went and picked it up the next day. I called United RV three times Monday morning before they could acknowledge they had possession of the trailer (per their directions I had left it parked in the front parking lot Sunday night since they were closed) and for me to tell them about the broken stairs and the black tank meter not reading accurately. I also suggested they add a battery check to their checkout checklist before they hand it over to a customer. I think I was talking to a wall for all the reaction I got. Can’t say much good about their rental organization since Angeline left. When it was all said and done, Leslie said she thinks she could handle RV life if we get something that addressed the issues we identified during the trip, but she may still want a home base to come back to and get out of the RV and have more space. All I could ask for out of a rental situation and a small RV.
A little more about the travel trailer we rented. It was a 2011 Forest River Salem 26TBUD 28 foot 9 inch long trailer with a single slide out (fixed table and couch on the slideout). It retails for $23,079. Total cost to rent the trailer was $1595 for basically 14 days. That includes a $25 Cleaning Fee, $25 Dump Fee, and a $55 Prep fee. The propane tanks were supposed to be full but I don’t think the second tank was full given how fast it ran out. Their insurance covered collision and my truck insurance covered the comprehensive liability. I was very unimpressed with the quality of the materials or the workmanship of the unit. So much so I would not consider buying a Forest River product. Also, if Leslie decides to get into these market shows for her business we might need to consider a toy hauler for carrying the show setup and products around.
Leslie and I kept a list of specifications for a future 5thwheel if we decide to buy one based on our experiences on this first RV Trip. They are as follows:
1. No Metal blinds (the get caught on everything and get all bent up)
2. More Storage in the Bedroom (no drawers for clothing and hanging space is too short for most clothing)
3. Taller exit door (I am tired of hitting my head every time I exit!)
4. Full size bed (Our feet are hanging off the end of this one!
5. Real Bedside Tables (Not a carpeted box with no storage)
6. Tall shower (so I don’t have to stick my head in the skylight to stand up straight and enough room to actually towel off!)
7. Room in the bedroom to get dressed!
8. Self Lighting stove and water heater.
9. Taller Slideouts (Leslie and I don’t hit like hitting our heads every time we stand up from the table or couch!)
10.Bathroom electrical plug high enough above the counter we can plug in hair Dryers with 90 degree plugs!
11.A real pantry!
12.Storage in the kitchen for pots pans, spices, etc!
13.Toilet with a foot pedal activated flush and enough room to reach the toilet paper!
14. More room in the bathroom so you don’t have to lean over the toilet to get closer to the mirror! (Leslie is tired of hitting her shins while putting on her makeup.)
15.No Vents in the floor! (I am tired of hurting my feet on the hot grates plus there is a lot of dirt down in them!)
16.One handle for hot and cold water instead of knobs on the sinks and showers.
17.BIG grey water tank! (A couple of low water showers and the grey water tank on this trailer is full!)(black water tank has not been an issue)
18.Bigger bath tub. (Leslie took a bath in the short tub and was tangled up like a pretzel!)
19. Larger Propane Tanks with an auto switch over! (Leslie and I are tired of waking to a cold trailer because of a bad battery or an expired propane tank!)
20.Electrical heat when hookups are available.
21.Towel Racks!
22.Room in the kitchen for prepping food and cleaning up.
23.A refrigerator that doesn’t freeze everything and is temperature adjustable.
24.Better stabilizers (electric or Hydraulic) so the trailer does not sway in the wind when parked. And I don’t have to run them out by hand.
25.Water Filter on the city water line.
26.More AC plugs.

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